Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/8
Page: 51 recto
Lunch with Mrs Paul Waterhouse and information on the Palgrave family (22 April 1933) / Kitson buys four Cotman paintings at Squire's Gallery and visits the Summer Exhibition of the Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours
April 22, 1933. Collected my Cotman drawings from the Ashmolean in the morning. Mrs Paul Waterhouse came to lunch. She told me that her father, Sir Reginald Palgrave (b. 1830) remembered sitting on Cotman's knee, while he (J. S. C.) drew a picture of a soldier for his delectation. SHe said her father used to swing behind the bank between 2 whale jaw-bones, & that Sir F. T. Palgrave wrote a poem about that swing. (Poems privately published.) [...]
April 24, 1933. Called at Squire's Gallery: saw the 4 Cotmans he bought at Sotheby's on April 10: he had sold the 5th to Martin Hardie (Domfront, looking S.E). Bought the 4 drawings. Went to the Summer Exh[ibitio]n of the O.W.S. It being the 200th exh[ibitio]n, there was a retrospective show on the end wall. [...]