The Cotman Collection | 87

Cotmania. Vol. VIII. 1932-3

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/8
Page: 50 verso

  • Description

    Entries for works by Cotman in Squire's catalogue, mentioned on the facing page


  • Transcription

    JOHN SELL COTMAN (1782-1842)
    155 Abbot's House, St. Ouen, Rouen.
    Lent by T. B. Lewis, Esq.
    {upright 'J. S. Cotman 1823'.}

    JOHN SELL COTMAN (1782-1842)
    160 Mont St. Michel. Lent by R. W. Lloyd, Esq.

Entries for works by Cotman in Squire's catalogue, mentioned on the facing page