Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/8
Page: 51 verso
Extract from the RIBA Annual Report for 1932-33: Kitson's presentation to the library of about 150 letters addressed to Sir William Chambers, on which Kitson has written two articles in The Times
Presentations. - The library has received a number of presentations of outstanding merit during the year. Mr Sydney Kitson [F.], Hon. Secretary, presented a collection of about 150 letters addressed to Sir William Chambers (some having holograph drafts of replies and other notes of Chambers written on them) many of which are of the highest importance and interest. Mr. Kitson has written two articles on this correspondence for The Times which will probably have appeared before the publication of this report. It is hoped that an article dealing with their architectural importance may be written for the Journal. Mr. Kitson also presented a monochrome drawing of a romantic castle by Robert Adam. This was reproduced as the frontispiece of the Journal of 10 December 1932.
R.I.B.A Annual Report for 1932-33.