The Cotman Collection | 4

Cotmania. Vol. VIII. 1932-3

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/8
Page: 2 recto

  • Description

    Colman collection at Crown Point (2)

    List of artworks from Kitson’s visit to the Colman Collection at Crown Point in Norwich (home of Colman family).

    Date: 12 Oct 1932

  • Transcription

    *(1) Study for oil - boat on shore at Blakeney-‘3 green. 4 red. 5 ? 6 ? - early, good - 5 x 9 ¾
    *(2) Lame man, begging - ‘J.S. Cotman, 1836.’Pencil and sepia wash on grey paper. 13 ½ x 9 ¾
    **(3) A landscape - char/& wte/ on brown paper - c.1836
    **(4) A group on boats char/on grey paper - June 29 - 1836 ? by J.S.C- this writing looks like M.E.C’s - 9 x 7 ½
    (5) “Framlingham Castle Suffolk Cotman 2835” [ruined] by points (small doodle) curved tops - 7 x 11 ½
    (6) ‘Fishing House on Lake [Uwe]’ - ‘J.J. Cotman’. Copy of a good J.S.C. composition. Pencil.
    (7) Group of boats - pencil. ‘J.S. Cotman 2361’ prob: M.E.C.
    (8) ‘Dutch boats of Yar[mouth] Beach, Cotman-2531’ certainly family
    (9) South Porch of the Ch[urch] at Louviers 13 ¾ x 8 ½. Study for etching ‘ant[iquitie]s of Normandy’, Plate 79.
    (10) Rough sketch for the Bridge of Boats at Rouen on rough paper with Creswick stamp- 9 ¾ x 13 ½. (plate)

    Bound Vol: “Drawings by J.S Cotman, etc”. (not seen in 1929.)
    *(1) Man in armour confronting a magician. Pencil. Good - very sketchy. 10 ½ x7 ½.
    (2) ‘Boats on the Scarthe near Alençon. J.S. Cotman 1934’. Like mine, but poorer - 8 ½ x12 ½.

Colman collection at Crown Point (2)