The Cotman Collection | 126

The Cotman Letters 1834

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/3/1/3
Page: 221

  • Description

    Copy of letter from Francis Walter Cotman to John Joseph Cotman, undated

    Kindness of Geldart and Dixon towards Francis Walter. A boating accident on the River Yare.

    Date: Undated

  • Transcription

    Addressed to Mr. J. J. Cotman.

    Dear John
    Though Papa in his last letter said I wanted feeling, I shall not attempt to refute it, as I know it was said, to call me to what certainly is my duty, when Papa and you express a wish to hear from me. But the true reason for my silence, is one which you will easily believe, it is my wishing to improve in my writing before you see it.
    Before Mr. Geldart left Norwich, I went to breakfast several times with him and he always treated me very kindly, giving me advice upon different subjects. Mr. Dixon has been very kind likewise. I have been to Thorpe several times to breakfast with him and William Freeman who is staying there for the benefit of his health. On Tuesday I went down the water with De Carle it was a gala day, and about 4 O’clock the banks of the river were crowded with people to see the boats. about 8 we heard a crash, we ran to the river side, and saw that one of the packets had cut the Gipsey in halves, or nearly. Athow [?] thinks to recover the value of his boat but I fear he will not be able to get the whole. we returned home about nine having spent a very delightful day. Mr. Geldarts Dog is dead for which I am very sorry it died of distemper I believe. Tell Mama I am very glad to hear she continues well, I often think of her in her funny humour pulling my hair. I shall be very glad to see her and shall count of her coming down. I am now going to Thorpe for some of the roses which you now see before you. Give my love to Mama and Papa, and believe me to remain
    Yours affectionately
    F. W. Cotman.

Copy of letter from Francis Walter Cotman to John Joseph Cotman, undated