The Cotman Collection | 56

Arthur Dixon letters

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/3/1/1
Page: 29 recto

  • Description

    Letter of Arthur Dixon to John Joseph Cotman, 22 September 1834

    See summary at 28r

    Date: 1834

  • Transcription

    a man. When you consider Mr Cotmans happiness as depending or not on the place and circumstances of daily life and are about to buy either at a dear or a moderate rate a real or imaginary improvement on it, it may be as well to consider how that bears on it, & the other certainly true axiom, that "if a man is not happy without, he would not be with", but this is merely en passant, & you must not be bothered by it. I was rather struck with the ingenuity of the remark. Theres a time fixed by him, I think three months. I thought I could bring much forward that bore witness to the truth of it, but rather fanciful though true. – I dont know how to make up a parcel for you, only was determined to write today & that your sister should. I wish I knew whether there be any thing here you would like, just now I should like to find some stuffing for brown Paper that would be acceptable to you. Write very very soon, as I want to know how you do. I am happy in conning over your letter & the pledge of your comparative happiness, and (unqualified) esteem for mine. – Geldart is as you left him, & that was certainly not beautiful. He will soon I hope be enabled to work & do more regularly, & then more regularly take recreation & exercise. Now it is all fatigue both work & exercise. He desires to be very kindly remembered to you. He did not go to Cromer yesterday, they having returned. With Lounde he is going some jaunt tomorrow to sketch, if it be fine. Sam T. desire his love to you. I will write again very soon. Till then believe me often thinking of you, your noble qualities, your excellencies & all that makes me your sincere and affectionate Friend
    Arthur Dixon.

Letter of Arthur Dixon to John Joseph Cotman, 22 September 1834