The Cotman Collection | 61

Cotmania. Vol. VIII. 1932-3

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/8
Page: 41 recto, insert recto

  • Description

    Letter to Kitson from T. Girtin, 1 Jan. 1933, concerning a drawing (owned by him) by Thomas Girtin or perhaps Cotman (1)


  • Transcription

    8, Inverness Gardens,
    Kensington, W.8.
    Park 2884

    Jan. 1, 33

    Dear Kitson,
    My wife will be delighted for you to come on Tuesday morning the 10th. I am so sorry that I shall not probably see you, but I am always grinding away from 9-6 at my wretched business & can never see anyone until the evening. The drawing is one which came from the Worthington family and has written on the back, not /
    in his writing Girtin 1797. The drawing does not seem to me to be a drawing of 1797 at all by Girtin or anybody else.It seems some years later than 1797. Much of it strikes me very forcibly as Cotman, but there you come in!
    My son who is beginning to take an interest in these things will show you that and any other things /
    you like. I do wish I c[oul]d be there. Many thanks for the copy of the Girtin letter and for the Hayward. As a letter it [the Girtin] is dull and pernicketty, as an autograph a rarity.
    It w[oul]d be most interesting to establish the fact of T. G. JSC & Sir G. B. being together in 1800. I am going to start, soon I hope, getting together every known Girtin and arranging them chronologically as far as possible, as I am doing with Chas. B[..] with J. R. Cozens. I expect that I shall worry you

Letter to Kitson from T. Girtin, 1 Jan. 1933, concerning a drawing (owned by him) by Thomas Girtin or perhaps Cotman (1)