The Cotman Collection | 37

Cotmania. Vol. VIII. 1932-3

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/8
Page: 26 recto

  • Description

    Visit to Squire's Gallery and to a sale at Walker's, 7 Nov. 1932


  • Transcription

    Monday Nov: 7, 1932. Went to Squire's Gallery.

    {Catalogue entries}
    JOHN SELL COTMAN (1782-1842)
    \13. Fall of the Selune at Mortain Signed and dated Aug. 26th, 1820-21 {9 x 13½}
    \14. Fishing vessels off a Rocky Coast {4½ x 8.)
    \15. A Mountain Landscape
    \16. A Street Scene with an Equestrian Statue

    where were the above (all sold). 13 is a very lovely distant landscape, sepia, smaller than the "Colam" lot, but most excellent in every way. 14 is a beautiful little monochrome c. 1804, with a big square sail in the middle - evidently a Barmouth estuary piece. 15 was the 'Sketching Society' drawing, of which he bought 2 at Sotheby's some few months back & with 'J. Varley' on the back. The better one was not shown. This is probably Powell, or one of the lesser folk of the Society. 16 is a sepia sketch, probably in Paris & perhaps by David Cox, but certainly not by Cotman. 'Squire' had picked up some good De Wints at a country sale in the West, all sold.
    Went to Walker's, who was having an 'under 5 guineas' sale. Lound's 'Marsh Mill', charcoal, illustrated in Connoisseur among them (sold). A nice D. Cox monochrome (sold). etc. etc.

Visit to Squire's Gallery and to a sale at Walker's, 7 Nov. 1932