Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/8
Page: 20 recto
Sketch of Cotman's house, Southtown, and visit to Barclay's Bank (Gurney & Turner's) and the Toll House
{Annotated sketch}
83 Southtown.
We went on to Barclay’s Bank (Gurney and Turner’s) opposite the bridge. Saw the drawing room, and a photo of the house as it was before c 1870, when it was refronted, and a storey taken off, It is now three storeyed. There is a side entrance up the ‘row’ on the left, which admits to the dwelling part, stairs on right. The garden has been a good deal built over. There are no whales bones now.
We went on to the Toll House (or local museum and free library). They have several copies of the ‘Yarmouth Festival’. A note in one copy - “700 copies in octavo were published, and sold at 4 shillings each: 25 were printed in 4to, with the additional plate of the Bonfire inserted at page 21, and 35 without, which were given away to my friends. The cost me altogether upwards of £120. The Ctte gave me £15 towards printing the list of subscribers. 500 copies were sold in less than one week. This