Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/8
Page: 60 verso
Report on the RIBA conference banquet, Cambridge, 23 June 1933
The R.I.B.A. Conference Banquet at Cambridge, June 23, 1933.
The President, responding to the toast, said: It is a great honour once more to respond to the toast of the Royal Institute of British Architects and its Allied Societies.
With reference to our honorary secretary, Mr. Kitson, I don't know what we should do without him. His wisdom, encouragement and inspiration have been such as to make me feel an affection for him that could only be expressed in private, with something in the nature of a hug!
The toast of "The Guests" was proposed by Mr. H. M. Fletcher, M.A. [F.], who said: [...] I am a Trinity man, the senior, perhaps, among the architects present, except for my old friend and coeval Sydney Kitson. He ought to be proposing the toast tonight, but as our Honorary Secretary he has the whiphand. [...]
from the R.I.B.A. Journal, July 8, 1933.