The Cotman Collection | 78

Cotmania. Vol. VII. 1931-2

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/7
Page: 25 verso

  • Description

    Copy of letter by Girtin; note on Sketching Society

    Letter by Girton to John Samuel Hayward, Paris, 30 January 1802; note on the Sketching Society 1814-22

    Date: 1932

  • Transcription

    Mr J. Hayward
    Floor Cloth Manufactory
    3/6 Newington Causeway
    38 Borough Southwark.
    [Post Mark] Foreign Office Ja 30 1802

    Paris I know not the day of Month
    My dear Fellow
    Your Friend brought three Letters for you which I have sent by the Painter one day after his departure another came for which I have paid 20 f now if this is a mistake (as the Letter is not addressed in your name) tis not my fault tis your and his. yours for not informing me his for not knowing I am apprehensive the Letter is meant for him, however here tis you will know. you was unfortunate in your choice of a man to take the Letter you left for Mr Demaria. as I suppose you did not wish me to know anything about it. but he very cunningly came to me for it. I would believe me have taken it to the post with the others you left me. every thing in Paris is the same but me. for I am since your departure much better. I hope you ill find all ell at home. then alls well that end well
    Yours &cr cr cr . . .
    (sgd) Thos Girtin

    [Notes by Kitson]
    Letter forwarded by Mr J. H. Barnes

    The later drawings of the Sketching Society '14-'22 are all figure subjects – History – taken from Shakespeare & the Bible for the most part. They are crowded, somewhat ill-drawn & generally rather feeble.

Copy of letter by Girtin; note on Sketching Society