The Cotman Collection | 7

Cotmania. Vol. VII. 1931-2

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/7
Page: 2 verso

  • Description

    Kitson's visits to the National Gallery of Ireland and to the Art Gallery in Belfast

    Kitson's diary notes on his visits to the National Gallery of Ireland (Dublin) with Thomas Bodkin (Director) and Osbert Sitwell, where he sees one late J. S. Cotman, and to Belfast, where he sees watercolours including a work wrongly attributed to J. S. Cotman, which he sketches in pencil.

    Date: 20-22 June 1931

  • Transcription

    [July - crossed out] June 20, 1931.
    Visited the National Gallery of Ireland with Tho[ma]s Bodkin (Director) & Osbert Sitwell. There is a fairly good show of watercolours, including 3 or 4 Girtins. One late Cotman 'Namur' (c. 12 x 18) showing the river, with buildings on each side & a weir, done from a Harriott drawing. (No. 28 in the Geldart album of tracings, 'From the Bridge over the Sambre at Namur'.)
    [Note in margin] There is also a 'North Gate', & a 'South Gate', Yarmouth, by M. A. Rooker.

    June 22, 1931. Visited the new Art Gallery at Belfast. There are 2 large sepia landscapes by 'Tho.' Girtin. The largest, 12½ x 20, is a view of Conway Castle – this is, I think, an[d] early John Varley. It is fine, but misses perfection. The other, rather smaller, is of the Cow Tower at Norwich – almost certainly the work of John Thirtle. Both drawings were presented by J. F. Johnson (once Curator) in 1896.
    Then there is a small w[ater]c[olour] of an avenue by 'J. S. Cotman', presented in 1930 by Walter Rowley, the pen-name of a poet on a local paper. It has no connection with J.S.C. or the Norwich School. I think Samuel had it about 2 years ago.
    {Pencil sketch of trees and a house by Kitson}
    [Note in margin] Dublin. George Petrie, 1799-1866, P.R.H.A. did some good early work, a fine Cotman-like landscape: some good sepias, afterwards became a sentimentalist.
    A good large J. Varley, Knaresborough 1801.

Kitson's visits to the National Gallery of Ireland and to the Art Gallery in Belfast