Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/7
Page: Inserted after fol. 17
Letter to Kitson from Paul Oppé
Oppé comments on a drawing by François Louis Thomas Francia seen at the Fine Art Society, comparing it with one owned by 'V. R.' [art historian Victor Rienaecker?].
Date: 1932
June 17, 1932.
Dear Sydney,
I went to the F[ine] A[rt] Soc[iet]y yesterday & saw the Francia. The diagonal jetty is certainly a point in common; but the treatment is utterly divergent. Francia’s drawing is diagonal minded throughout & the whole composition of the waves and boats depends upon it. Besides, the idea of the drawing is definitely one of movement, whereas V. R’s is stillness doubly distilled. 3rdly this drawing is loaded with colour & there’s no trace of the flat transparent washiness which is nearly consistent throughout V. R’s. Consequently tho’ I couldn’t exclude Francia from that drawing, it seems to me that the