Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/7
Page: 17 verso
Kitson's diary entries for 28 and 30 June 1932
Heffers send Cotman’s Classical Landscape [see fol. 15r] on approval; works by Thomas Girtin, William Havell, Joseph Nash, Edward Dayes and William Pars at Augustus Walker’s watercolour exhibition.
Date: 1932
June 28, 1932. Heffers of Cambridge sent the Cotman ‘Classical Landscape’ on approval. This is the drawing which appeared some years ago at Christie’s. It was in Vicar’s window in Bond St. a year or 2 back.
[Sketch by Kitson]
14 x 10½
It belongs to the same category as the Baggage Waggon & the Mishap – 1826-1828. There is no actual ‘paste’, but the medium is getting very close. The colour is a bit ‘muddy’: the purple dress of the woman with a pitcher perhaps causes this appearance.
June 30, 1932. Visited Walker’s annual Watercolour Show. A superb Girtin, ‘A View of Jedburgh, 1800’ was sold at 300 g[uinea]s. A large washy & undistinguished W. Havell, ‘Cows by stream under trees’ 1800. A very nice J. Nash (1808-1875) ‘Interior of Ch[rist] Ch[urch] Cathedral’. An important & elaborate Dayes 1795 Tintern & a very good Pars (1742-1782).