The Cotman Collection | 49

Cotmania. Vol. VII. 1931-2

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/7
Page: Inserted after fol. 14 (to be read after image 50)

  • Description

    Letter to Kitson from Grahame Cotman

    Date: 1932

  • Transcription

    marked in both the portraits I have is present & the vermillion on the paint brush is typical.
    I have no knowledge whatever of such a painting & in writing you, thinking you would be interested & with your knowledge of the subject might have some information. The name “Bostock” is also unknown to me in connection with the family.
    At a guess it measures say 2 feet x 1’8”[.]
    The frame is an old pattern, I fancy of London make, & the picture has been relined at some time.
    With kind regards
    Yours faithfully
    Grahame Cotman.

Letter to Kitson from Grahame Cotman