The Cotman Collection | 33

Cotmania. Vol. VII. 1931-2

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/7
Page: Inserted after fol. 11

  • Description

    Letter to Kitson from John Sell Cotman of Reading

    Cotman thanks SDK for allowing him to see his John Sell Cotmans while SDK was away from home. He proposes a later visit and invites SDK to his own house to see his pictures. He comments on three of SDK's John Sell Cotmans.

    Date: 1932

  • Transcription

    'PHONE: 1472 READING.

    4th December, 1931

    S. Kitson, Esq.,
    Thornbury House,

    Dear Mr. Kitson,
    It was very good of you to let me have a look at your pictures during your absence when I was staying with my friend Harry Boning at the beginning of this week. It was a very dull day so that I was not able to get a very good look at them.
    I am writing to suggest that you will be good enough to let me come over next Spring with my wife, and I hope that we may have the pleasure of seeing you here and showing you my pictures.
    I was very much struck by two of your John Sells: one I think was in the Dining Room and one in your study, and I was particularly interested in the one over the fireplace in the Drawing Room: do you claim that this is painted by John Sell throughout?
    Looking forward to meeting you,
    I remain,
    Yours very truly,
    John Sell Cotman

Letter to Kitson from John Sell Cotman of Reading