Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/7
Page: Inserted after fol. 6
Letter to Kitson from Jack W. Goodison, 28 July 1931
See recto
Date: 1931
come & see your Cotman drawings, & next time I am in Oxford I will do my best to get over.
Yours sincerely,
Jack W. Goodison.
P.S. Can you tell me if Cotman ever repeated his compositions, or if there is any well-known copyist after him? We have a pencil & sepia drawing "A barn, part of the Nunnery, Thetford", signed & dated J.S. Cotman 1818, which is identical, save for small details, with one in the Bulwer Collection, reproduced in 'Walker's Quarterly', nos. 19-20, by C.F. Bell, plate XIV, which is of the same size, & also signed & dated. Ours is good, but not so good as the other. The subject was an illustration to "Excursions through the counties of Norfolk & Suffolk."
Can you also tell me on what authority the composite authorship of the "Wreck of the Houghton Hall pictures" is based? We have no evidence, save that it came to us from Joseph Price bearing that name.