Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/7
Page: Inserted after fol. 5
Letter to Kitson from Paul Oppé, 29 July 1931
After the Sotheby's sale of 29 July 1931, Oppé reports to Kitson that Thompson purchased the lot, including a Cotman painting, mentioned in his letter of 27 July 1931. He comments on Kitson's and his own Highland drawings.
Date: 1931
[Stamp of Board of Education]
July 29th 1931.
Dear Sydney
Nothing doing – by a long way. I turned up at Sotheby's at 1 o'clock for the Francis Place book, ran it up to somewhere about £10 & let it go at that. Already Meatyard, Thompson & several of the vultures had gathered for the impending corpse. Meatyard preferred not to attempt to seize our prey from the talons of Thompson & I went out & had a beastly lunch after which I visited Augustus Walker & was detained by him & arrived back at Sotheby's after Lot 110 had been sold. However by that time still more jackals, hyenas & scavenger beetles had gathered together – positively all of them including Palser – and the drawing had fallen to