Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/5
Page: 64 verso
Ashmolean Museum, Album of Drawings
Items 113-120
Date: 1929-30
(113) 'King St Wharf, Norwich E. Setchel. July 1826.' poor pencil copy of a C.
(114) 'Town on the Walls, Yarmouth.' watermark 1827 [by E. S] fairly good pencil copy of a C. [the w[ater]c[olour] in Norwich Mus[eum]]
(115) A Norman arcade in Norwich Cath[edra]l. pencil. w[ater]m[ark] 1827.
(dividing N. Ambulatory of the Apse from the Choir)
Copy of an ind[ian] ink drawing by C in Bulwer Coll[ection]. Original shows more of subject on all sides. Another copy marked as by C but catalogued as by E. T. in D[awson] T[urner] Coll[ection].
(116) 'Sutton' Ch[urch] pencil. w[ater]m[ark] 1827. Copy of a drawing in ind[ian] ink by C - the orig[inal] (or a good copy) in Bulwer Coll[ection]. poor. (by E. S.)
(117) 'VPTON - pencil copy of C's Bulwer Coll[ection] (R.H.K) E. end of Ch[urch]. Another copy by E. T. 18- [date cut] in D[awson] T[urner] Coll[ection] (by E. S) fair.
(118) 'Thurgarton.' pencil, w[ater]m[ark] 1827. Copy of C.'s pencil 1808 in Bulwer Coll[ection] (12) Etching of 1817 from same original. Another copy by E. T, 1812, in D[awson] T[urner] Coll[ection] (by E. S.) fair
(119) 'Stratton.' pencil, w[ater]m[ark] 1827. (by E. S) Same as Cotman's Etching 1817. Copy of a drawing in i[ndian] i[nk] by C, of wh[ich] another copy was in Bulwer Coll[ection]. Another copy by M. A. T in D[awson] T[urner] Coll[ection].
(120) 'South Gate Yarmouth' pencil (by E. S) w[ater]m[ark] 1826. Copy of one of a set of w[ater]c[olour]s of Yarmouth gates by C. of wh[ich] copies in colour by E. T. dated 1813, & one by Mrs D[awson] T[urner] inscribed after J. S. C are in D[awson] T[urner] Coll[ection]. Cotman's etching 1817 is from same original. poor.