The Cotman Collection | 77

Cotmania. Vol. V. 1929-30

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/5
Page: 58 recto

  • Description

    Ashmolean Museum, Album of Drawings by Cotman and his Pupils

    Items 1-7(e)

    Date: 1929-30

  • Transcription

    Ashmolean Museum
    Sept: 30, 1929
    'Album of Drawings by J. S. Cotman & his amateur pupils.'
    (1) "Methwold. Sept 6, '11.' [The Rectory, cf etching] on yellow paper, pencil. 11¼ x 9.
    (2) "S. Side Wimbotsham Ch[urch] Sept 11, '11." [The South door, etched 1812] on yellow paper. 11¼ x 9 - pencil.
    (3) "Ornaments on doorway, Arminghall." n[o] d[ate], pencil, on Whatman paper. 9¼ x 8½.
    (4) ( Effigy of a female. "Cawston, 15" 10 x 4. Pencil on Whatman.
    (5) ( Effigy of a male. "Cawston, Norfolk" - 10¼ x 5. Pencil on Whatman.
    (6) Six Elevational drawings of grave slabs - tinted, mounted on one sheet -
    (a) "Thurlton."
    (b) "Harford. S. Side of Ch[urch]: J. S. Cotman 1815."
    (c) "Thurlton."
    (d) "Sloley."
    (e) "Narford."
    (f) "Castle Rising Ch[urch] Yard"
    (7) Seven d[itt]o d[itt]o.
    (a) "Stanhoe"
    (b) "Effigy in Houghton Ch[urch] N[or]f[ol]k."
    (c) "Chedgrave Ch[urch]"
    (d) { "Knapton"
    { "Knapton"
    (e) "Repps."

Ashmolean Museum, Album of Drawings by Cotman and his Pupils