Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/5
Page: Inserted after fol. 51
Letter from Paul Oppé to Kitson
Letter from Paul Oppé to Kitson, 11 November 1929, recto
Date: 1929-30
United University Club,
Pall Mall East, S.W.1.
Nov. 11th 1929.
Dear Sydney
I saw 5 Cotman pencil drawings at Thonock: all came from Newton Robinson's collection sold at Christie in 1914. Sir Charles Robinson had vast quantities of pencil drawings by all the people of the time but unless these have been remounted I don't think that they came from him. So far as I c[oul]d judge, looking very hurriedly & by poor lamplight, 4 of the 5 may belong together, the 5th a house at Yarmouth with the Mill behind is quite distinct from them in every way.
Turner comes out quite supreme