Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/5
Page: 41 recto
Cholmeley Diary, Vol. I
April 1802-June 1804
Date: 1929-30
[4 lithographic sketches from Nature by Henry Cave, York, Pub[lishe]d by Rowney & Forsters, 57 Rathbone Place, 1820]
April 29. Francis returned from Edinburgh.
June 6. Mr Cave came.
— 13. Mr Cave went away.
Aug 10. Mrs Cholmeley, Francis & Anne (sic) set off to Scarbro.
Sept 14. Mrs C, Francis & Anne returned from Scarbro to a late dinner.
Oct 11. Mr Cave came in the evening.
— 13. First woodcock killed.
— 17. Mr Cave went away.
Nov 9. Mr & Mrs C & their 4 daughters set out for Bath.
[1st entry.] June 13. Mr Cholmeley & his 4 daughters returned from Bath.
— 15. Mr Cholmeley went to York - sheep shown.
— 16. Mrs Cholmeley came from London bringing Gerard [?her maid -] [[Strickland] (crossed out)] with her.
June 11. Gumty the white sow pigged 14 pigs.
Feb 28. Mr & Mrs Cholmeley & their 4 lovely daughters went to York to Mr Preston Hornby's Lodgings Petergate.
April 5. Our first hen hatched.
May 7. Mrs Cholmeley & Gerrard set out for London.
May 9. Mr Cholmeley & Francis went to York & dined with Mr Mitchell. At 12 that night Francis set off in ye mail coach for Cambridge.
June 23. Mrs Cholmeley & Francis arrived in the forenoon from London which they left on the 21st.