The Cotman Collection | 38

Cotmania. Vol. V. 1929-30

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/5
Page: 34 recto

  • Description

    Christie's catalogue of works by Cotman, 1843

    Christie's catalogue 1843, day 2, lots 270-289


  • Transcription

    1843 - 2nd day.
    270. [A woody scene. (crossed out)] A Rocky Valley. (1). Adams. 1.1.0.
    271. Carnival figures in Rome. (1). d[itt]o. 6.0.
    272. A landscape with a fishing boat in a stream. (1). D. White. 3.15.0.
    273. A windmill. (1). Turner. 12.0.
    274. A sea shore. (1). D. White. 1.2.0.
    275. A rocky scene in Yorkshire. (1). Adams. 1.3.0.
    276. A mountainous landscape - slight. (1). Turner. 12.0.
    277. A landscape (‘unframed’, in ink) . (1). ) Roe. 2.0.0. [with lot 278]
    278. Figures on a road near a seashore. (1). )
    279. Dutch boats on a River ([‘by M.E.C[otman]’, in ink] (crossed out)) . (1). Palser. 1.16.0.
    280. A landscape, sketched in outline. (1). Adam. 7.0.
    281. Eel baskets in a river - small. (1). W. M. 1.16.0.
    282. A woody river scene, in brown. (1). d[itt]o. 1.0.0.
    283. Trees on a river – a slight sketch. (1). Adams. 1.10.0.
    284. Vessels on a quay – capitally painted. Small, upright. (1). White. 1.17.0.
    285. A woody scene in Gunton Park. (1). Roe. 1.10.0.
    28[6 (crossed out)]7. A woody scene, in brown. (1). Rogers. 14.0.
    28[7 (crossed out)]6. A white horse in a stable. (1). Lee. 13.0.
    288. Fishing boats in a breeze off Yarmouth. (1). G. C. 2.14.0.
    289. Four windmills near a stream. (1). G. C. 1.1.0. with rushes, coloured with admirable effect.

Christie's catalogue of works by Cotman, 1843