Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/5
Page: 15 recto
Christie's catalogue 1836
Christie's catalogue 1836, day 1, lots 54-63 and day 2, lots 39-47
Date: 1929-30
54. Turner, R.A. A view of the Mountains of Festigniog (sic), Merionethshire. Greenhill. 10/-
55. Gainsborough. Portrait of a judge in his robes - whole length. White. 6/-
56. Turner, R.A. View of Florence. Hening. 1.2.0.
61. Turner, R.A. View of a valley in Savoy. Greenhill. 7/-.
63. Turner, R.A. An Italian Palace on a River. Houghton. 13/-
The 30 David Wilkie lots made 51.13.6.
Second Day's Sale Thursday May 12. 1836.
[Lots 39-84 are marked in ink to the left of the lots, 'Bulwer'.
These 46 lots fetched £38.4.0.]
Modern Watercolour Drawings.
Lot 39. Cotman. A sea piece with a Dutch Fishing boat. Colnagi. 1.10.0.
— 40. Cotman. A view in Gunton Woods. Rought. 17/-
— 45. Cotman. A Park Scene, with a Ruin. Shirley. 15/-
46 Prout. Fishing Boats on a sea shore. Colnagi. 1.8.0.
47. Cotman. Sea Piece, with Dutch fishing boats in a breeze. Colnagi. 1.15.0