Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/5
Page: 81 verso
Brandsby Commonplace Book
Notes cross-referenced from fol. 82r
Date: 1929-30
(1) A watercolour drawing by J. S. Cotman, inscribed 'Byland, Sept 7, 1803', is now in the Cardiff Museum. (Turner House Penarth) 12½ x 9¾.
(2) A pencil drawing of weeds, by J. S. Cotman, inscribed 'Kirkstall, Sept 21' is in the collection of S. D. Kitson.
(3) Charles Duncombe (1764-1841) succeeded his father at Duncombe Park on Sept 11, 1803. created, 1826, 1st Baron Feversham - m[arried], 1795, Charlotte, d[aughter] of 2nd Earl of Dartmouth. 7 sons (1798-1817) and 3 daughters.
(4) Pencil drawing not done on spot of E. end of Howden Ch[urch] in coll[ection] of Victor Rienaecker.
(5) Pencil drawing of W. end of Selby Abbey in coll[ection] of Col. E. Kitson Clark.