Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/5
Page: 75 recto
Comparative chronology of Girtin and Cotman
Cotman, 1800, continued
Date: 1929-30
Carnarvonshire. Pencil sketch of Conway Castle from a little nearer point of view than Girtin's (where figure is seen sketching in Girtin's w[ater]c[olour]) n[o] d[ate] but 1800 sketch book. (S.D.K.)
Ruins of Conway Castle. s[oft] g[round] etching.
Etching (1810 [sic]) of old houses at Conway.
[Derbyshire- crossed out]
" Etching of doorway at Valle Crucis (pub[lishe]d Sept 1810)
[in pencil] Llangollen. G. Marsh & P. Oppé.) ?
Salop. 'Bridgenorth. 1800' w[ater]c[olour] in B[ritish] M[useum].
Cottage in N. Wales (early, c. 1800.) Pencil. B[ritish] M[useum]. 38.