The Cotman Collection | 56

Cotmania. Vol. I. 1926-7

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/1
Page: 26 verso

  • Description

    Dawson Turner's copy of Blomfield

    Catalogue with note to the Oxford Society for promoting the study of Gothic Architecture; inserted in a copy of Blomfield's History of Norfolk.

    Date: not dated

  • Transcription

    Dawson Turner
    Catalogue of Engravings, sketchings & original drawings & deeds collected towards the illustrations of the topography of Norfolk & inserted in a copy of Blomfield's History of that County. in the Library of Dawson Turner Esq at Yarmouth. MDCCCXLI.
    in the flyleaf -
    'To the Oxford Society for promoting the study of Gothic architecture' from the author.
    ' Extract from preface (p viii) -
    'The Church at Hales is well nigh a repetition of one of the most pure specimens in the Duchy, the Chapel of St Julian, near Rouen, which has been selected for the subject of a plate in the architectural antiquities of Normandy by Mr Cotman, to whom I trust it may be allowable without impropriety, here to make an acknowledgement most justly due.

    Whatever merit may be found in this collection of drawings is mainly attributable to him. To him too is ascribable that it was ever formed. My daughter had the good fortune to become his pupil during the time where he was engaged upon the publications connected with Normandy & Norfolk. that do so much (1 word) to his name, and while they copied his sketches & listened to the tale of his discoveries, they could not but imbibe & portion of his enthusiasm.

    Thus are very few drawings of J.S.C's in the catalogue-
    {left side of page}
    Bacton Ch/- S.W. view
    Skeyton Ch- S.W. -
    Hadisco (sic) S E view of Ch from a distance.
    {right side}
    Hayneford Ch (sic) S E view
    Higham (sic) Potter Ch S.W. -
    Scothrowe (sic) Ch. S.W.

Dawson Turner's copy of Blomfield