The Cotman Collection | 33a

Cotmania. Vol. I. 1926-7

Archive: SDK Sydney Decimus Kitson Archive
Reference Number: SDK/1/2/1/1
Page: 16 verso

  • Description

    Bradford. Cartwright Memorial Hall. (continued)

    Three sketches and descriptions of five Cotman drawings seen at Cartwright Memorial Hall, Bradford

    Date: 31/12/1926

  • Transcription

    1. 'Royal Tombs, Westminster Abbey.'
      pencil on buff paper - [crossed out: If by J.S.C thin very early] but more like an early arch[itectural] draughtsman's work. c 18 x 10. {sketch by SDK
    2. 'Castle gateway, Norfolk.'
      pencil on wash. Very bad, work of a clumsy pupil.
    3. 'Font, St Faith's Church J. C. 1814' in a lady's handwriting (?Lady Hooker)
      hard pencil on white paper.
    4. "Miltin Church, Norfolk 1821. J. S. Cotman."
      pencil on cream paper, very good. {sketch by SDK}
    5. "An arch on the S. Side of St Julian's Church Norwich. J. S. Cotman, 1810."
      pencil on cream paper, delicate drawing.
      {sketch by SDK}